Saturday, January 28, 2012

Eyesight Improvement - Keeping the Eyes Moving

A clear mind is always on the go. The mind is constantly working out solutions to problems and solving the issues of the day. A mind that is stressed or strain struggles to work properly. The mind can get overwhelmed and then freeze and become stagnate. Problems don’t get solved and issues continue to pile up. Likewise, the eyes need movement to work properly. When the eyes are relaxed, they are moving around and enjoying the world around them. When eyes are strained, they stare and vision worsens.
The eyes love to stay busy, rapidly moving around and taking in the sights all around us. Eyes don’t like to stop moving and focus on only one item. When this happens, the eyes start to strain and concentrate and vision is not as accurate. Your eyes and brain work at a much more rapid pace then we give them credit for. When we are out in nature, the eyes are moving quickly from one tree or flower to the next. The only time they stop and stare is when your brain isn’t aware of what it is looking at. If you are looking at roses and then a unknown flower comes into focus, you will stop and stare until you realize it is a daisy and then move on.
Eyes never stop moving, unless we force them to. Even when we are asleep the eyes are moving around in the darkness. When the eyes are still for too long, they start to become damaged and lose the focus. Eye movement should always be smooth and flowing, never jerky or bouncing around.
You can teach the eyes to move smoothly by tracing objects. The eyes don’t have to look from one item to the next in jerky movements. Try tracing around the edges of objects.  Look out the window allowing your eyes to outline cars, buildings, trees, and bushes. After a few times, the objects should start to get clearer and the color brighter. You can trace just about anything, couches, chairs, and the television. Do this exercise at least once a day to train the eyes to really look at things and not just stare.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Improving Your Vision - A New Way of Learning

The worst thing we can do to our eyes is strain them. Too much mental strain and focus can actually harm our eyesight and cause the eyes permanent damage. Bad habits start from childhood, especially once school starts. These bad habits carry over into adulthood and cause damage to the eyes. Most of eye problems and ailments are simply caused by the bad habits learned in our youth.
Children have a natural curiosity to learn new things. Ask any kindergartener or first grader if they are excited for school and they will almost always say yes with genuine enthusiasm. Ask the same question of a junior high or high school student and they will moan at the thought of going back to school for another year. 

Why the huge difference between the two? School is too disciplined and children are forced to spend hours each day learning and memorizing things that don’t interest them. Any subject that is uninteresting causes more concentration and the eyes to strain through. Not every person enjoys the same subjects, yet all children are forced to memorize and learn things in an uninteresting way.

The eyes strain when forced to concentrate on images that don’t interest us. Like numbers on an analytical report for work isn’t going to interest all the employees, mathematics, science, and English won’t interest every student. This doesn’t mean that have a well-rounded education should be thrown out the window. It simply means there needs to be a change in how children are educated.

The Bates Method was discovered by Dr. William Bates, a famous eye doctor. In his method, Dr. Bates put together a large, poster-sized card covered in common shapes and letters familiar to most school age children. The card was hung at the front on the classroom and offered the students something to look at when they were feeling tired or overwhelmed. The purpose of the card was to give the children a chance to relax their eyes. Looking at new material puts strain on the eyes, but familiar objects allow the eyes to relax.

Teaching children not to strain their eyes from a young age will help keep their vision sharp for years to follow.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Improving Eyesight -Near or Far

Two of the most common visually ailments are Myopia and Presbyopia; otherwise known as near-and far-sightedness. Both are ailments effect vision and the distance that is seen when looking at objects. Both ailments can be cured on their own if allowed. Almost all eye ailments are caused from bad habits learned as children, and strain on the eyes.
Myopia is caused by the eyeballs elongating.  This ailment is caused by habits which include only looking at objects close up for long periods of time. This starts out in school age children who are forced to learn things from books and other materials requiring close contact focus.
Myopia becomes a problem due to strain on the eyes, pressure, anxiety, or frustration. The pressure young children have to succeed is enormous. When information is boring, it is hard to actually learn. Looking at material for long periods of time without a break can cause the eyes to strain on close up information.
Near-sightedness can also be contributed to mental strain and psychological issue. Myopia can be part of an anxiety or nervousness about the future. Subconsciously the person may be afraid of what lays ahead of them and are unable to look ahead to the future. In this case, they are comfortable where they are and feel safe in their close up world.
Presbyopia is the ability to see things in the distant but not things close up. Far-sightedness starts affecting people in their 40s. This is when the lenses start to harden. The muscles around the eye can still be train to force the eyes to contract even with harden lenses. This ailment is believed to be part of getting older, so we just accept the problem and get glasses. We allow our eyes to become lazy and learn to rely on artificial lenses to get us through each day.
Presbyopia can also be ‘all in the mind’. People start to look too far to the future and refuse to look at things right in front of them. They allow their focus to be on retirement instead of on fixing the leaking faucet today.
Both these ailments can be avoided by allowing the eyes to move around naturally each day. If you are studying something up close for most of the day, spend an hour or so looking at things in the distance. If you are looking at things far away grab a book and read some pages.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Improving Eyesight - Diet and Vision

Did you know that eating a better diet is not only good for your health but can help improve vision too? Well, it does. A healthy diet and exercise is good for your health which in turn will keep your eyes working properly.
A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, proteins, and dairy products. For proteins try to add more fish into your diet, it has the essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are great for the brain and mental focus. Dairy products are good but stay away from pasteurized and homogenized milk because they tend to clog arteries and limit the eye circulation. The best vegetables are carrots, spinach, bean sprouts, endive, celery, and cucumber.
Everyone feels the need to splurge every once in a while, but too much processed and deep-fried foods can cause serious complications on eyesight and health.  Stick with foods that are high in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E as they are all just the nutrients the body craves. Some other treats that are high in nutrients are sunflower seeds, raisins, pecans, soy beans, liver, and apricots.
The body comes complete with its own pH balance system to keep an equal amount of acid and alkaline. Too much acid causes uric crystals to develop around the joints leading to arthritis. The acid also damages the muscles around the eyes. The body needs fruits, vegetables, grains, and animal products to maintain the balance. Fruits and vegetables reduce the amount of acid in the body; grains and animal products increase the acid. The goal is to find the perfect balance between the two. Most people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, so to find balance start there.
Finding a good mix to the foods you eat together can help the body break down foods and digest nutrients properly. Too many carbohydrates taken with protein, like meat and potatoes, can be hard for the body to break down leaving you feeling as if food is just sitting in the gut. Proteins should be mixed with vegetables, meat and a salad. The body will be able to break it down easily and the proper amount of nutrients will be absorbed.
Eat to your health and to better eyesight.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Improving Eyesight - The Art Of Palming

There are various steps and procedures one can take to help improve eyesight. Poor eyesight is condition caused by our own bad habits of ignoring the needs of our eyes. The eyes are a delicate, important organ in the body and they need just as much care as the other organs.
Palming is a way to help the eyes relax, naturally. Eyes are in constant motion, even when we are sleeping, the eyes are moving around. It’s not possible to completely stop the eyes from moving because they need to stay lubricated. However, we can slow down their motion and help them relax.
In order to relax the eyes, you must first relax your mind. If your mind is running away with its thoughts, your eyes will strain to keep up. Palming helps relax the mind and the eyes all at the same time.  The procedure is simple and takes less than 20 minutes, but you can do it for however long you need to.
The first step is to rub your hands together to get them nice and warm. Next, place one palm over each eye. Be sure to cup the palms so they are never directly touching the eyes or putting pressure on the eyelids. Your elbows should be resting on a hard surface, like a table or your knees.
The next step is to relax, fully relax. With your eyes closed beneath your palms, feel the muscles in your body start to relax. Start from the top of your head and slowly move down to your toes, feeling each muscle in between start to relax. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness your eyes see will be. At first, you may see a grayish color but as you relax that gray will become a darker and darker shade of black. The deeper the blackness, the more relax your eyes are.
You want to clear your mind of all thoughts. Forget all the lists and things that need to get done and focus solely on the darkness. If it helps, you can picture pleasant things like flowers blossoming or the waves of the ocean.  Try to stay in this relaxed stage for at least 15 minutes.
Once you open your eyes again, things will be more focused. Colors, shapes, and lines will be more defined and your overall vision will be clearer.
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